The Unrealistic Hype Around Self-care

Sep 18, 2023
Natasha Kiemel Telehealth Psychologist

Over the last several years there has been this increasing focus on self-care. We have seen companies and businesses make a lot of marketing campaigns focused on self-care. They have then plastered these all-over social media, TV, in magazines, and on billboards. It seems what self-care really means has been blurred by this focus on the “essentials” you must have. Further, has this hype around self-care set up unrealistic expectations of what it can do for you?... Especially the products themselves.

Recently, self-care has been portrayed as this luxurious indulgence. That to take care of yourself you need to be taking a long baths, getting a massages, or going on a vacation. While these activities can be relaxing and enjoyable, they are not the only forms of self-care. Nor or they the most regulating or healing long term. Self-care at its core is about taking care of the basics. This can include connection with others, healthy eating, quality sleep, time in nature and moving your body daily. It’s also about setting boundaries. This means, saying no to things that you don't have time for or that you know are going to drain you. Making sure you take breaks when you need them, whether that is from people or a time out. The core of self-care should be focused on you finding healthier ways to cope with stress. How to do that is so unique to each person, no company can tell you what you need to do that. Even practices like meditation and yoga may be great, but they are not a one size fits all.

The focus and hype around self-care has possibly created unrealistic expectations around self-care. These expectations rather than helping may have instead have had a negative impact. For example, doing more does not necessarily mean better. Better is better. When you add too many things even if they are “good” things they are still stressors. That applies to self-care practices to. More can be more detrimental to your mental and physical health and your nervous system. In these circumstances, sometimes, less really is more.

Yet the portrayal of self-care has been focused on luxurious indulgence. Where more is more. This does make companies money and can sometimes be relaxing and enjoyable for you. Yet, they are not the only forms of self-care. Nor are they necessarily the most effective, especially long term. Sometimes it is about coming back to basics to support yourself, your mind and your body.

Don’t let the hype create unrealistic expectations for yourself. You don't need to be doing more than you have time for. A minute or three can do a lot for your mind and body. You also don’t need to indulge in expensive or time-consuming self-care activities. You can get a lot more from slowing down and tuning in to your body. Followed by connecting to or moving your body in a way that feels good for you.

Here are a few tips for navigating the hype around self-care:

  • Be realistic about your expectations. Don't try to do everything at once. Start with small, achievable changes.
  • Find what works for you. There is no right or wrong way to do self-care. Experiment with different activities until you find what makes you feel good.
  • Don't be afraid to say no. It is okay to say no to things that you don't have time for or that are draining your energy.
  • Be patient. Self-care is something that will ebb and flow with life and what will work at one time will not work at another. Self-care is not a destination. It takes time to find what works for you and to make self-care a part of your daily routine.
  • Self-care does not need to be complicated at all. It can be as simple as can a self-compassionate gesture. Such as a hand on your heart or self-compassionate statement you tell yourself.

If you need more support practicing self-care, don't be afraid to ask for help. Working with a psychologist can be helpful. We can help you develop a self-care plan that meets your individual needs and that is consistent.

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